Living Life As It Is
"My niece wrote in her book; my mom is a homemaker. Her teacher gave her big question mark n told her 'ini salah. Homemaker tu org yg buat rumah dr batu bata'. Now this is REALLY STUPID!"
I wrote this in my FB status for 2 days. Among the responds:
1) WTF????!?!? ada cikgu gini??? LOLabes la masa depan anak2... kui kui kuuuiiiiiiiiiii........
2) escalate to headmaster
3) OMG biar betul...cikgu english ni graduate mana ni? even tjk dictionary pun x ngaku salah tu...bodoh sombong...OMG now i'm really thinking twice of going back...kalau tu teacher qistyna...habisla dia kena 'cili' dgn I ...huhuhuhuh
4) OMG!!!! Who's that *tuuuttt* teacher??? This the biggest joke of the year. Buat malu persatuan guru jer.
5) ini ajaran sesat. sama la mcm aku kena masa sekolah rendah dulu...
6) Oh lord... macam mana ni??? Nak balik M'sia for good! Habislah anak I kena belasah dgn cikgu2 kat M'sia..
Generally, I gave same reaction when my sis told me that. I'm not sure it's the teacher or the school. When I asked my niece 'cikgu laki ke pompuan'? She said 'Ustaz...something'. Hmm.. minta maaf, bukan hendak merendah kan martabat ustaz. Tetapi sepanjang hidupku, I only got to know one Ustaz who is really really really cool. Cool here means not like typical ustaz. This ustaz of mine is so 'modern' in the sense that dia mengikuti aliran zaman.
Now I know a ustaz is a person well verse in religious topics. But why restrict to only keagamaan? Allah tak penah suruh kita menuntu ilmu keagamaan SAHAJA. It must be balance. It is super cool to have a cool ustaz. A person who is so good in keagamaan and yet bole dibawak berbincang soal dunia... apatah lagi topik ENGLISH. I mean, this kind of ustaz yang akan menarik perhatian budak2 sekarang to learn psl agama. They will have even more respect to this kind of ustaz. Once my fren told me that he was caught by his ustaz drinking "BEER" in his dorm. Bermatian2 ustaz tu marah dia. Dan bermatian2 jgk la dia explain yang dia tak minum beer. What he actually drank is ROOT BEER!!!!. Now tell me... how can u respect a person like that??
Imagine your child in this situation. (refering to the homemaker thing). Wouldnt they will be confuse. I mean, the mother told her that she is a homemaker. She completes her biodata and submit. When she got back her books, the teacher marked as wrong. The child will be wondering who to believe? My mom or my teacher? Cannot be my teacher because he is a teacher. He should know. And I dont think my mom will lie to me..... very confusing kan...
For me, it's ok to make mistake and not knowing the meaning of 'homemaker'. Aku pun dulu tak tau. But, when my sis photostate a page of dictionary with the meaning of homemaker and he is still in denial... well mmg payah la... what other method can be use to teach a teacher?? Takan nk masuk dalam paper or complaint kat guru besar. You are a teacher doesnt mean u know everything. We learn EVERYDAY... Kalu salah, belajar dari kesalahan. Tu je...
Enuff on teacher stuff.
I got a MAS cabin crew fren who is really nice and always buy me oversea stuffs. Besides being my most reliable shot glass buyer, she's also my supplier to mark and spencer's -specifically the bath gel. I used to like Waterlily better. But it is no longer on production, so I change to White Peach and Almond. I just love peaches!!! I just love the smell... Tapi skrg dh lama dh my fren tak gi UK. Maybe sebab longer working hour and she got a cute and adorable baby boy yang tak bole tinggal lelama. But I really hope she will go there jgk one day and i will definitely pesan more of this.
Last Thursday, a fren of mine in the office showed me a range of Marks and Spencer's body lotion. I wasn't interested until I saw the White Peach and Almond body lotion. Alamak!!!. Lama gler tak bau benda ni. At that point of time KD was holding it. Then I was like.... 'I like that... i like that smell'.... but since she hold it first, takan nk amik kan... so tak pe la... KD bought 4 of 'em. Masa tu dlm otak dok pikir, bila la cza nk pi uk lagi... hehehe
One hour after the incident, KD came to my place and put this on my table.
Yippieee!!!! KD dgn murah hati nye telah memberi ini kepada ku... Sangat sangat and sangat suka ok!!.. Hehehehehhe. Maka dgn itu.......Ini telah pun dicampak kan ke dalam tong sampah... hahahahaah. (mmg dh nk habis pun).
p/s: I remember I wrote here that I dont care bout losing weight. But I think I have to think twice. I weight myself last nite and I have the number. I gained 4kgs and I dont realize it. DAMN!!. All this while I tot the number is 71. Hampeh! Double Hampeh! Is it all the vitamins and medication that I never missed? GOD help me. Healthier or skinner??? I really need to do something. FAST!!!!!
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