Living Life As It Is
It has been a while since my last update to my blog. Reason is I was very very very busy. Tak percaya???....hmmm...
Virtual Banking 1st convention - Langkawi 25-27/1/2008
I was informed one day or two days before the event. I was a replacement for my colleague (Mr. J). Mr. J refuse to go as he hates outdoor activities. I thought he was just kidding when he say wanted me to replace him. Lagi 2 hari ni gi dia kata "Bos said ok. U can replace me". As for me, I'm ok jer. I prefer outdoor activities as compared to indoor (like ice breaking la, ntah pape lagi). So kelam kelibut la 'preparing' for the event. So 24th nite we all gathered at Menara Maybank and the buses (all together 3 buses) depart from there at about 11pm. There were 2 buses for MGCC's and 1 bus for E-Channel (Virtual Banking consist of MGCC and E-Channel)
We arrived at Kuala Perlis about 6.20a.m. And waited bout 2 hours for the ferry to Langkawi. And Yes!!! Our 1st convention is in Langkawi. To some ppl Langkawi = shopping or langkawi = chocolates or langkawi = pinggan mangkuk...hehehe. Which is true enough. Some of my male friends were forced by their wife to buy pinggan mangkuk, sudu garfu, senduk bagai....heheh...
Sian tgk dorang....
Anyway the event went on smoothly. What I like bout this event is that the trainer/facilitator will never force you to do the outdoor activities. We were basically enjoying our time. It was fun. Really fun. And the next financial year (which will starts this June) MGCC will have the honour to organize the event.
Oh! I almost forgot bout JB. (Yes sherry....its JB!!! And you know who...heheh) I just wanted to add comments on him. I was pretty kesian on him thru out the event. (At first I tak tau pun dia gi...kalu tau mmg I tak gi) I always avoided him what!. Anyway back to JB and Langkawi. He was so 'home alone' there. I never thought he was that pemalu. Selalunya tak tau malu. Diam jer cam org bodoh (Mmg bodoh pun!! -jahatnya aku!) But it's true. He acted as if tak de PG (you know who Sherry...hhehe) dia hilang akal. Tu la... You dont appreciate me when we were friends. Now that we are not.... sapa susah. Not that I dont try to berbaik dgn him. He was so sombong to accept my apology. (Macam la dia tak buat salah). So skrg sapa yang rugi? Obviously I'm not!!
Ok. Enuff wit Langkawi story. We arrived at Sg. Buloh RnR at apprx 11.p.m 27/1/08. (Our driver bawak skit punya laju). Our bus were the first to arrive. Nasib la amik cuti on 28th. Konon nk rest tapi kena gi Ikea la segala bagai. Bangun dlm 8 a.m gak. Tetiba teringat something. ALAMAK!!!! Caterer tak confirm lagik...Caterer?? untuk apa tuh? Haaa.... Utk ni la..
My Bos Retirement Farewell PartyMy bos is on the right. Yang left tu super bos....hehehe... This farewell event was scheduled on 30th. Tertiba on the 28th baru teringat. Adus!!!!. Patutnya before pegi Langkawi I suppose to get 2-3 food quotations. Tapi lupa sesangat. Apa lagi... Minta tlg my sifu (CL). So finally on the 29th at about noon, dpt la confirm dgn 1 caterer nih. Alhamdulilah. Of course wit the help of CL.
And the best part is most of the staff love the food. Ter'at all' jap. Heheh. Tapi punya la kelam kelibut. The party ended bout 6p.m. Lepas kekemas pastu balik. Bila dah balik tu teramat la penatnya. Mana tak. Penat Langkawi blom habis....dpt penat menggelabah nk carik caterer (penat tau bila menggelabah nih) Dah tu penat on the farewell dah lak. Dahtu the most penat among all Penats!!! SCORING!!... a.k.a kerja ku!!!Adus... Ada lagi 2 hari haram 1 team pun tak habis... Pening! Tapi belasah gak and I managed to complete beratus calls tuh. Yehaa!!!. (Pat helped me with 1 call -Thanks buddy)
Enjoy some pics from the Party. I will upload gambar lain in my fotopages later.
P/s: I've been having headache too often!!!
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