Living Life As It Is
Tak payah citer banyak. Tengok tangan bengkok camni apa lagi. Jatuh. Ajmal ni my cousin. Baru in kindergarden. He followed his daddy to change the 'atap zink'. You know la budak2. When you say 'dont', they hear it as 'do it'. So bila berjalan atas siling tu apa lagi... Pereparppp!!!!. Jatuh. The best part is no one heard anything. They (the parents) only realized it when the found his slipper is up there tapi tuan punya tak de... Tau2 dah jatuh masuk dlm bilik. Senyap jer. Dia pun tak berani nk nangis because dia tau salah dia. Ajmal suffered from total dislocation of his elbow. Broken wrist and benjol kepala. Was rush to the hospital. Direct to ICU, did scanning and he went for the operation twice....Hmmm...
2) Kakak
Kakak made this 'story book'. The title of the book is..."Buku cerita Hantu...Ha...Ha....Ha". Antara isi kandungan nya; "Ha...Ha...Ha... Saya adalah hantu terbang"...."Nama ayah saya pocong. Kami adalah keluarga hantu. Nama adik saya Zombi. Nama kakak saya Joon. Nama ibu saya Hantu". I was a bit surprise nama dia tau nama2 keturunan nih... Bila tnya dia kata kawan2 dia bagitau. See...Budak2 sekarang. Baru standard 1 dah tau semua.
3) Adik
"Adik, gi naik atas mandi pastu siap"
"Nak gi mana?"
"Adik nk gi mana?"
"Adik nak gi em...o...em...o (as in M...O...M...O)" -Trying to spell out the shop name.
"Huh? Gi mana dik?"
"Hoi...sapa ajar tah"
As usual...adik mmg hampeh!!!!
Mimpi apa tah hari ni nk gi keje pki baju kurung. Actually dulu hanya 2 perkara that will make me wear baju kurung to work. First during Ramadhan. I dont know why terasa kealiman menyelubungi diri bila tiba Ramadhan. Infact during college time pun mmg akan pki baju kurung everyday ke class. Like so alim gitu. Terbawak2 la tabiat tu smpi keje. You will be looking at the ayu me for the whole month. Next is when I terbabas tido and no baju to wear therefore baju kurung menjadi mangsa. (Sbb baju ni the material tak payah iron). Actually thats what happened today. Tido terbabas. Nk cepat pki baju kurung. Lagi pun mmg lama tak pki baju kurung tanpa sebab.
Sampai keje jer everybody was like....wah... pesal ko ayu ari nih?. Pesal nmpk lain hari ni? Pesal tu... pesal nih. Ayooo!... Wa pki baju kurung je la... It is not big deal. (Nmpk sgt wa brutal smpi pki baju kurung pun org tegur). But it was really uncomfortable for me today. Today is the day that I have to do a little bit of running here and there. To settle things that I am not supposed to settle. Smpi ada org tegur, apsal cam semacam je? That obvious huh? Siap pesan lain kali pki jeans jer la. Cam biasa. Baru senang skit. Caitsss!!
Lepas lunch ada meeting. Calls ada lagi 6 tak buat. Actually nk buat awal2. But tetiba tmpt gua tak bole bukak system. Nk tunggu org IT rectify the issue? Minggu dpn pun tak tentu. Nk tumpang kat tmpt geng lain, dorang tgh buat keje. Maka terpaksa la singgah office esok sambung that 6 calls. Jap jer. Pastu merapu kat comments tu....Done. Monday leh hantar. Meeting ended at 5 something. Ingat nk balik la. Ocha minta tlg amik kakak dari sek agama. Tapi tak bole. Gua nk attend briefing dari big big bos gua. Actually apa yang dia nk cakap tu wa dh dgr kat Langkawi. But wa berminat nk tau how he will handle the staffs here considering that they... I mean we had been demotivated since last 4 years. He is very much aware of the situation but like I said, I am more interested to actually hear what he is going to say.
He handled it quite well. For me...very well. But I must admit that some of the staffs dont understand what he was trying to say. You see, he is the kind of person who dont give a straight 'no' to the face. His PR skill is good. Selalunya org kat level dia ni cam hampeh skit. Tak payah gi jauh la. Bos2 yang bawah dia pun mmg mostly hampeh. I can barely heard a single negative word from his mouth. Oh! I actually cought 1 word. Which is 'problem'. ( I cant believe I said this. I actually QAed my bos) Hehehe. He will never use a negative phrase or any negative examples. He never say bad thing bout others. He tried very much not to say our managers are monsters. Never say we are wrong. He said all the 'moving forward' thing. How to make things better...together.... and I think what I like most bout him is that he never promise that he will give this or that. In other words he dont let us put overly high hope on him alone. It must be a team work thing. As a person who likes to be motivated by someone who knows how to talk and who talk based on experience, I like him. I respect him. He dont tell you what to do. He wants us to understand why we do it. That is more effective. So, thing I learn from him today:
1) Sometimes is not what you say, it is how you say it.
2) Beware of what you wish for. It may come true.
3) Effective communication is very important.
4) Ala....lupa lak... tu jer kot... Hehehhehe
Mak ai! Nk kol 12 dah. Apa la yang wa merapu sini kan. Anyway need to stop. Tomorrow ada bowling tournament kat pyramid. Wa dh kata wa tak reti main pun ada org ajak main. Kalu kalah jgn nak salahkan gua. Ahad lak nk gi Putra Heights. A friend of mine minta tlg buat mekap as her hubby nk buat photoshot for his portfolio. Wa pun buat la amal jariah skit. Lagi pun bole masuk wa punya porfolio gak. Wa kena mekap natural and gothic punk...(camne la gamaknya muka model tu nanti yek). Nanti kan....
Eh lagi satu wa tak paham and malas nk pahamkan diri. FB nih. The day before yesterday I cleared my requests tinggal bout 174. Pastu yesterday tertiba tambah to 209. Tadi wa bukak Fb mau nk tertonjol mata wa. 354!!! gila byk. Amenda la korang2 anto kat wa nih? Pening la. Wa rasa ajaran terkurang lak kalu wa ignore semua. Kesian penat2 korang dok depan pc, pilih muka wa, click send, tunggu jap... alih2 smpi kat wa, kena ignore. Tu yang wa tak smpi hati. Tapi nk buat camne. Korang ada idea tak?? Tolong wei!!
What is Facebook (FB)? According to FB itself, FB is a 'social utility that connects you with people around the world'. How long have this FB exist? If you ask me...I dont know. But I came to know bout FB somewhere middle last year. At that point of time I dont really know what is FB. But I know the existance of FB. I dont even bother to have a closer look on what FB is all about. I thought it is another version of 'My Space' and 'Friendster'. But someone change my perception on FB. A long lost friend found me in FB. (Dont ask me how my name exist in FB coz I dont know!!) What I know is that she was so glad that she found me. According to her, she had been trying to get in touch with me for a loooonng time. She was my best friend when we were in Standard 6 (that was like 19 years ago). I am so glad dia dpt cari I. Harapkan I...hmmm... Tak tercarik la.
So that starts everything. Of course being a super dumb in IT make it worst for me to understand FB at the first place. Again with the help of IT genius in this house (who else! Ocha la). Slowly I begin to understand what FB is all about. I start looking for my old friends and amazingly I do have my long lost friends here in FB. When I say long lost fren, I really mean loonngggg lost fren. Some of them I havent met in more than 10 years. I also met one of my best frens during my college time and she is currently in London wit her husband. Bila dia kawin pun tak tau...Hehehe. Bila dah terjumpa my lovely fren ni who is in London, later I figured out ramai rupanya org yg I kenal dok sana. YES...sana means London. Aduh! Tekanan jiwa bermula!!! They are all happily working there and me here? everyday facing stress!! Sungguh jeles!! Kira2 dlm 4-5 org yg I kenal kat London. Uhuk! Uhuk! Uhuk! Nk gi gak!!! (Mimpi la Safwin!)That's all bout FB. Something interesting happened to me last few days. Antaranya, we had a mini bowling tournament in Alam Sentral Shah Alam. The reason I joined that tournament is because Af offer me to join her group. And saja suka2 (OMG!! Baru teringat yang tak bayar kat dia lagi. Hopefully I dont forget to pay her on Monday). So saja la main2. 1 group consist of 5 ppl. There was me, AF, Kak Jijah, Epoi and Af's anak menakan. We were playing like we never played before. Dah tentu suka2 jer. The funny thing is that we call our lane as "Lane Berhantu". It is because there will be 1 pin that will fall by itself whenever the thing try to turunkan the pin. We were playing with this free 1 pin. Later towards the 2nd game, the worker came and clean our lane. They were cleaning others as well la. They used a bottle of soap sprinkle it on the lane and use the machine to clean it. Kak Dot later came to us and said "Habis la hantu korang, dah kena simbah dgn holly water...." Heheheheh. True enough after that.... none of use can actually play. Hahahahah! How coincidence. There were no spare at all. Not to mention Strike la!. So funny. Nasib game dah nk habis.
One more funny thing bout this bowling. I won Best Female Player. Kuang kuang kuang!!. How and what is my point? Dont ask me coz I also dont know. Infact when my name was announced, I asked them back. 'Salah kira ka?' Hahahaha. But dah org nk bg... Amik jer la...Here is a pic taken after the tournament.
P/s: Last 2 nites Adik was sleeping wit me. We shared the single bed together. Suddenly dia tarik my hand. She was asleep. At first I thought she wanted me to hug her. OH! She just love ppl hugging her time tido. So knowing her nature, I let her pull my hand. Tetiba out of sudden both her hand holding my hand and she BITE me!... Yes. She bite me! terjerit2 dia. Rupanya ngigau!!! Punya dok main petang tu. dok gaduh2 dgn kakak dia. Lastly Aunty dia yang kena gigit! Uwah!!!...... Later bila dah bgn I ask her why she gigit me... She gave me that blur2 look. Adik...Adik!!!
BTW ada bekas tau adik gigit....:(
It has been a while since my last update to my blog. Reason is I was very very very busy. Tak percaya???....hmmm...
Virtual Banking 1st convention - Langkawi 25-27/1/2008
I was informed one day or two days before the event. I was a replacement for my colleague (Mr. J). Mr. J refuse to go as he hates outdoor activities. I thought he was just kidding when he say wanted me to replace him. Lagi 2 hari ni gi dia kata "Bos said ok. U can replace me". As for me, I'm ok jer. I prefer outdoor activities as compared to indoor (like ice breaking la, ntah pape lagi). So kelam kelibut la 'preparing' for the event. So 24th nite we all gathered at Menara Maybank and the buses (all together 3 buses) depart from there at about 11pm. There were 2 buses for MGCC's and 1 bus for E-Channel (Virtual Banking consist of MGCC and E-Channel)
We arrived at Kuala Perlis about 6.20a.m. And waited bout 2 hours for the ferry to Langkawi. And Yes!!! Our 1st convention is in Langkawi. To some ppl Langkawi = shopping or langkawi = chocolates or langkawi = pinggan mangkuk...hehehe. Which is true enough. Some of my male friends were forced by their wife to buy pinggan mangkuk, sudu garfu, senduk bagai....heheh...
Sian tgk dorang....
Anyway the event went on smoothly. What I like bout this event is that the trainer/facilitator will never force you to do the outdoor activities. We were basically enjoying our time. It was fun. Really fun. And the next financial year (which will starts this June) MGCC will have the honour to organize the event.
Oh! I almost forgot bout JB. (Yes sherry....its JB!!! And you know who...heheh) I just wanted to add comments on him. I was pretty kesian on him thru out the event. (At first I tak tau pun dia gi...kalu tau mmg I tak gi) I always avoided him what!. Anyway back to JB and Langkawi. He was so 'home alone' there. I never thought he was that pemalu. Selalunya tak tau malu. Diam jer cam org bodoh (Mmg bodoh pun!! -jahatnya aku!) But it's true. He acted as if tak de PG (you know who Sherry...hhehe) dia hilang akal. Tu la... You dont appreciate me when we were friends. Now that we are not.... sapa susah. Not that I dont try to berbaik dgn him. He was so sombong to accept my apology. (Macam la dia tak buat salah). So skrg sapa yang rugi? Obviously I'm not!!
Ok. Enuff wit Langkawi story. We arrived at Sg. Buloh RnR at apprx 11.p.m 27/1/08. (Our driver bawak skit punya laju). Our bus were the first to arrive. Nasib la amik cuti on 28th. Konon nk rest tapi kena gi Ikea la segala bagai. Bangun dlm 8 a.m gak. Tetiba teringat something. ALAMAK!!!! Caterer tak confirm lagik...Caterer?? untuk apa tuh? Haaa.... Utk ni la..
My Bos Retirement Farewell PartyMy bos is on the right. Yang left tu super bos....hehehe... This farewell event was scheduled on 30th. Tertiba on the 28th baru teringat. Adus!!!!. Patutnya before pegi Langkawi I suppose to get 2-3 food quotations. Tapi lupa sesangat. Apa lagi... Minta tlg my sifu (CL). So finally on the 29th at about noon, dpt la confirm dgn 1 caterer nih. Alhamdulilah. Of course wit the help of CL.
And the best part is most of the staff love the food. Ter'at all' jap. Heheh. Tapi punya la kelam kelibut. The party ended bout 6p.m. Lepas kekemas pastu balik. Bila dah balik tu teramat la penatnya. Mana tak. Penat Langkawi blom habis....dpt penat menggelabah nk carik caterer (penat tau bila menggelabah nih) Dah tu penat on the farewell dah lak. Dahtu the most penat among all Penats!!! SCORING!!... a.k.a kerja ku!!!Adus... Ada lagi 2 hari haram 1 team pun tak habis... Pening! Tapi belasah gak and I managed to complete beratus calls tuh. Yehaa!!!. (Pat helped me with 1 call -Thanks buddy)
Enjoy some pics from the Party. I will upload gambar lain in my fotopages later.
P/s: I've been having headache too often!!!