Living Life As It Is
Kejadian di Nyonya Colours - Bukit Raja
B2 : Bie, kakak ada kedai....
Me: Kedai? Kedai apa?
B2: Ada kedai tu nama dia Balqish Jati
Me: Balqish Jati? Kedai apa? Jual Perabot ek?
B2: Bukan
Me: Habis tu jual apa?
B2: Jual kerusi, meja, almari... macam2 lagi la (muka penuh suci dan tak bersalah)
Me: *speechless dan rasa nk hempuk je*. Adik, kalu jual meja kerusi semua tu namanya PERABOT la... adohai!!!!
Letih melayan budak ni!!!!
Assalammualaikum Mama,
Mama sihat? Xpin harap mama ok2 jer kat sana ye. Xpin selalu doa agar mama ok kat sana. Sorry la sebab kekadang xpin lupa nk doa kat mama. Rasa bersalah sangat kalau lupa. Sorry ye mama. Xpin akan cuba tak terlupa lagi.
Rindu la kat mama....
Mama rindu kitaorang tak? Diam2 dh 4 tahun kan mama. Dalam 4 tahun ni sekali pun xpin tak penah tulis surat kat mana. Memang macam nk tulis. Tapi tak tau nk tulis apa. Rasa tak terzahir rindu xpin ni dgn kata2 atau tulisan. Sudahnya, langsung tak tulis kat mama kan... Sorry ye ma....
Xpin ada banyak citer best nk citer kat mama. Jarang xpin dapat byk citer best2 ni. Rasanya dlm 4 tahun ni baru kali ni bertubi2 citer best dtg ma. Sebelum ni agak kurang best citer xpin. Ma nk tau? Hehehe. Meh nk citer.
Pertama sekali dan citer yang paling best.... XPIN PROMOTED!!!... kan ma. Xpin pun tak de la harap sangat ma. Sebab penah frust dulu. Kan masa xpin jaga mama dulu, time tu kira ala2 due for promotion. Tapi sebab MC xpin byk, dgn unpaid leave lagi sebab jaga mama masa tu. Xpin tak dapat. Frust tu mmg ada frust jugak. Tapi xpin tak ralat. Sebab xpin jaga mama. Lagi pun kalau mama ada mesti mama akan kata...bukan rezeki xpin lagi... kan?? So sebab tu xpin tak kisah sangat. Kali ni pun xpin tak harap sangat. Walaupun bos xpin cakap dia recommend nama xpin tapi xpin malas nk pikir sangat.. Actually xpin tak pikir pun. Tetiba ada officemate xpin dtg and congratulate me. Memula terpinga2 gak, tapi terasa macam mesti psl promotion. So I did my checking. alhamdulilah, xpin dpt ma. Masa tu kan ma, tak tau nk kata apa. I was very very speechless and extremely happy. Rasa mcm nk tepon mama n bgtau. Instead I told Ocha and Yah. Dorang la orang pertama yang tau. Heheheh.. Happy sangat ma.
Bukan setakat tu aje...
Dlm seminggu dua ni byk jgk benda best2 jadi. Rezeki bertambah. Ramai bagi xpin hadiah ma. Kat ofis xpin kan ma, ada sorang bos tu, baik sangat. Xpin kalau down kan suka dgr dia citer. Kekadang tak minta nasihat dia pun tak pe. Dengar je dia bercerita psl masalah dia, masalah orang lain terus buat xpin insaf. Dia ni kan ma sangat2 pemurah. Kalau la xpin bole jadi mcm dia. InsyaAllah....
Dia ada bagi xpin 1 barang ma. Xpin SUKAAAAA sangat2!. Dia bagi xpin boots ma! Mahal tau boots tu. Dia bgtau xpin dia beli RM400!! Xpin dh la mmg suka boots. Dari dulu lagi... tapi tak terbeli2. Pastu dia kata dia ada yang tak nk pakai dh. Kalu muat dia nk bagi. As what she said, rezeki xpin. Xpin try mmg muat ma... Hehehe. Suke sangat. Yang buat xpin suka lagi apa tau? Kasut tu brand BALLY. Brand favourite mama kan. Dulu mama byk kasut BALLY kan. Xpin pun suka kasut mama tu. Tu yang bila dpt boots tu xpin teringat mama. Suka sangat.....
Pas tu... ada lagi orang bg xpin hadiah. Ada sorang adik ni. Close ngan xpin. Kekadang dia dtg tido kat umah. Teman xpin. Dia bagi xpin handbag. Hehehe. Xpin skrg gila handbag ma. Sebab ada 1 website tu, handbag dia murah2 dan cantik2. Ala...mama dulu kan suka kumpul baju kan.. xpin suka handbag.. mcm dh byk jgk la.. tapi tetiba asyik ada kaler yang tak de jer... hehehe..
Xpa pun hari tu belanja xpin handbag ma. Tapi tak dpt lagi. Kalu ma ada kan, mesti ma bising kat xpin sebab handbag byk... Hahahahhaaha..
Sekarang kan ma, xpin dok belajar jahit baju sdr. Start dgn nk jahit kain (skirt). Ada sorang officemate ni kan, dia la yang encourage xpin jahit baju sdr. Ma kan tau xpin tak penah dan tak berapa suka menjahit. Mesin pun mana reti guna sangat. Nasib ma sempat ajar xpin guna mesin jahit tu. Tq ek ma sebab belikan mesin tu. Ada lagi dan masih elok lagi. Baru kak tnee hantar smlm. Xpin akan belajar jahit smpi menjadi baju/skirt xpin tu. InsyaAllah bole. Sekarang kena jahit sendiri ma. Penny dah tak amik tempahan. Dia kata mata dia dh tak nmpk. Dah berapa tahun dah kitaorang tak tempah baju. Asyik beli yang dh siap dh. Ma tau je la kalu beli yang dh siap. Kain senteng. Nk pki kain mesti ke ala2 londehkan bawah pusat.
Ni la antara citer2 best yang xpin nk citer. Lagi best kalu dpt citer terus kat mama kan. Tapi tak pe lah.
Xpin sebenarnya kan rindu sangat ngan mama. Xpin rasa bukan xpin sorang. Ocha, Yah, Xpa, Apiq. Semua rindu mama. Dh 4 tahun tapi most of the times kami still rasa lost. Selalu gak kami cakap, kan bagus kalu mama ada. Tapi tak baik kan cakap cam tu. Mcm tak redha. Ma pun mesti marah kalu kami cakap cam tu kan.
Dulu xpin selalu tertanya kenapa mama tak penah dtg dlm mimpi xpin. Xpin rasa nk sangat jumpa mama. Not even once dlm 4 tahun ni. Ocha penah mimpi mama. Yah penah. Xpa pun penah rasanya. Apiq? Tah, kalu penah pun dia takan cakap. He is very secretive sekarang. Sian dia rindu mama tu. Tapi lepas pikir2 balik, mungkin ada hikmah ma tak dtg jumpa xpin dlm mimpi. Xpin rasa xpin tak bole handle. Sedangkan menaip ni pun bergelen2 apatah lagi kalu jumpa dlm mimpi.
Eh ma, ok la... dh lambat ni. Xpin kena gi dulu la. Lain kali xpin tulis lagi ek. Hilang sket rindu dpt citer kat mama. Nanti ada citer best2 lagi xpin citer lagi tau.
Bye Ma...
Labels: Cerita
Lama tak dgr cerita? hehehe... Byk citer ni... Been busy and away for few days. On 26th Feb, I sent my buddy, Norli and her family to LCCT. Mereka nk bersuka ria di Bali. Si kecik Icha tu excited gler bila smpi LCCT. When I fetched her at around 7 a.m, she was a bit moody. Ha la..kena bgn awai hari cuti (mcm dia tau hari tu cuti...wakakaka).
Most of my close friends know that I'm crazy over shot glasses. So far I've collected more than 60. Most of them was given to me as souvenir from my frens and family members and some mmg I pesan, and some I got it for myself.
Norli didn't disappoint me when she came back with these:
She brought back not 1 but 3 shot glasses from Bali. Heaven! This is my 61th, 62th and 63th collection of it. I just love the Special Edition Shot Glass from HRC. In total now I have 3 different design of HRC Bali shot glass.
And the flip flop.... GREEN!!! dont you just love it? Bling-bling lagik... hahaha.. I was planning to buy a slipper for office, since I got this... so officially this will be my Prayer slipper in office... Wow! Glamer slipper I! ahahahah.
And the excitement doesn't stop here. Remember my previous entry I said I was a bit excited to go the the Team Building at PD and I don't know why. Only when the program started I know why I was looking forward for it... Will let you know later in this entry...hehehehhe.
Anyway, about the Team Building, I had a great time at Ilham Resort as expected. Actually, I have been to the same program last 4-5 years. I was fun but very tiring. Not as tiring as before because this time I already know what to expect from the program. But still tiring and semua sendi2 dan otot2 bekerja keras sepanjang 3 hari 2 mlm kat situ...
Meh la nk citer skit2 pasal program tu.. Tapi kalu nk best kena pergi sendiri dan rasa sendiri. Baru la mantap.. hehehe..
I arrived at Ilham resort on Friday after Friday prayer. We actually arrive quiet early. (we = me and afniza, we drove there). Petang tu ada acara indoor dan amik gambar. We were divided into groups and of course I wasn't together with Af. There were 6 teams all together. Oh ya.. Before I forget, this team building is for all Maybank Compliance Officer-CO (or if you are involve in compliance matters la). When I said all, I meant all. Not only locally but international CO were also there.. Namely from Philipines, Hong Kong, Shang Hai, Brunei, Singapore, Vietnam, London and hmmm... tak ingat lak... agak ramai gak la...
That nite itself dah mencabar. Masuk hutan ok..!! The group were given 2 lampu kat kepala tu dgn compass. Masuk hutan, carik la jln keluar. It was dark and really dark. But again it was fun. My group took 26 minutes to get ourself out from the woods. We got 2nd place for this.
Among other interesting activities were rafting and rappelling. Rappelling was the most 'popular' activity. Some were ok, some were not. Some cried, some 'argued' with the trainer to pull them back.. Heheheh... As for me, like I said, I have done this before so tak la takut sangat. But still ada gak dup dap skit2. Normal la kan. When our group Q utk buat benda ni, one of the trainer said 'Ok next please stand by'. Since I've done it before ingat nak make way to those ppl yang belum penah buat. So that tak de la dorang takut sangat. 2-3 kali trainer tu panggil tak de sapa nk pergi...tetiba kedengaran 'Ok Safwin, Come!' Mak ai!! The trainer actually called my name. I smiled to him sarcastically and bangun jugak la... The other trainer gave a puzzled look at me as in 'camne la mamat ni tau nama minah ni'. And I smiled to him jgk. So...camne mamat ni tau namaku?? Heheheheheh...
I had a crush on him (the trainer) during my last Team Building kat tmpt yang sama. It was like 4 years back. Back then I tgk dari jauh jer. Sungguh semat mamat ini. Smpi habis program pun I didnt have the guts to tegur him to get his phone no ke apa ke. So with the help of my dearie fren, I finally manage to get his phone number. So the friendship starts. We keep in touch for few months. Then tetiba stop. But I still have his number. The last time he ever contacted me was last 2 years I think. He was checking whether I still remember him. Halo!! Wa ada crush sama lu of course la wa ingat lu... kan? Hehehehe.
So going back to the reason why was I so tergedik2 to go to this program, I think this could be the reason. I told some of my friends in the office that 'ntah2 mamat tu ada kot'. Tapi sumpah tak harap. Coz he told me once that he quit from the company to became free lance. Later he joined Lost World of Tambun. So mmg tak expect langsung. So bila ternampak dia.. I was like confuse.. Eh? Mamat ni ker? So I sms him. True enuff!! Mmg dia... But I didn't introduce myself face to face to him. I said, pepandai la awak teka nnt ek. And I didn't expect he know me sebab we never talked to each other during the last program and he only knew me melalui gambar masa program. Hehehehe. But he got good memory. He came to me and say 'Ni cik ke puan'. Choi!! hehehe..
I didn't have the opportunity to amik gambar dgn dia. Sorry Ocha. Busy la dgn program. I was committed to the program 100%. Hp pun tinggal kat bilik. But no worries, for those who ever wonder what kind of guy that I adore / admire.... mcm ni la rupanya. This is my defination of Encem!... heheheheTadaa... This pic was taken from his FB. (Ye, dia add saya..hehehe) En Faizal, incase awak terbaca ni, sorry ye saya curi gambar awak. Ramai tertanya2 bagaimana rupa awak. And since saya tak sempat nk bergambar dgn awak, maka dgn itu saya terpaksa mencuri.. hehehe. Ampun ya pak!
So this is my kind of guy. The first guy yang I felt in love yang muka mcm ni .. Bernard Chandran!!! Ala2 muka cam ni kan?. There was another guy ala2 gini gak la... masa kat college dulu. Pun wa jatuh cinta gak! hehehehe. So he is the 3rd. Eh jap... looking at this pic again... sekali lalu macam ada muka uxop gak. (Bro uxop, u pun encem gak kan? Apsal u tak ngorat I dulu ek? - Hahahahaha)
So his name is Faizal. Sorry to disappoint my dear readers, he is MARRIED with 1 adorable son. Actually he was already engaged when our friendship started. He was frank about it and I respect him for that. Andddd, if he is not married, JGN HARAP WA NK TEGUR DIA. I will never ever tegur orang yang wa ada hati. I'll chicken out when comes to this situation. Once I know that I dah tak de feelings kat orang tu...baru la bole sembang mambang... Benggong kan...
Adoi... panjang lebar lak entry kali ni.. Ada lagi nk citer. Kisah balik umah lepas Team Buiding ni.. tapi later2 la...
Mcm tak de feel nk berblog... tapi cam lama sangat dh tak blog. Too many things to tell and yet dont know how to tell...
Labels: Ntah