Friday, January 4, 2008


At 9a.m sharp my handphone make noises. It was supposed to be a 'narathiwat' song but turn out to be 'zrttt....zrrttt' (because my hp was on silent mode). Ingat ke sapa call. When I looked at my hp, it was actually a birthday reminder. 5th January!!. Birthday Mama. Actually the phone doesn't have to remind me. Of course I remember my late mom's Birthday. I just forgot to delete the reminder.

Told that to my sis. "Ala, tukar je nama dari mama tu Ad. Kan ke birthday dorang sama". Ad is actually my step brother. Aunty's second child. (I still call my step mom 'aunty'. Cam susah jer nak tukar). Furthermore tak tau nk panggil apa. But definately I will not call her MAMA.