Sunday, January 13, 2008

My Bad Luck Day

Not today...but yesterday. This is what happened....

Today is epit's wedding. So dah planning nk gi jgk wedding dia eventhough Noreen refuse to go. (Well... she said she had more important things to do but I know it's just an excuse..:P)
So bgn pagi terus tgk almari baju. What to wear? After few minutes, I decided to wear this Green baju kurung moden with kain satin. Obviously this is my fav as the colour is GREEN and I bought this kain when I was on unpaid leave (masa jaga mama sakit). Nmpk terus berkenan. Cinta pandang pertama...hehehe. That was like almost 2 years back. I remembered wearing it only twice. Tu pun attend wedding dinner. So... ok... I have decided what to wear. So nk gi iron baju la. (Note: Ocha bought her new iron. Not to say yg lama tu dah rosak but the new one is the kind yg old style tu... yang berat skit. Suppose to function better.) I swithced on the iron. Memula no 2...hmmm... not so hot... so I put straight to 4. Ok... just nice. Half way ironing the kain rasa cam panas skit.. So I go back to no 2. Waited for a while. Then I started to iron again. Letak jer kat kain tu....THAT'S IT!!!... Nasib la tindakan reflect ku masih berfungsi. There, on my kain a nice 5cm x 0.5cm hole.!! Aduh!!! Kain ku... Hampeh punya iron (Of course I blame it on the iron!. It was doing fine on no 4 but suddenly became so hot when it is on no 2-Stupid!)

But still ok. I managed to 'tampal' the lubang and still can wear it. I don't want to spoil the day only because a hole on my kain. So terus la bersiap. I have to fetch Kasma. ( I pujuk her to accompany me as in the invitation card says 'Cik Safwin Saidin & partner'). So kena la carik sesapa jd partner since I don't have a so called 'permanent' partner.

Everything went well. I arrived at Epit's around 1 something. Smpi terus mkn and duduk jap. Tgk tetamu cam ramai jek so ingat nk bgn n carik epit. Just to let him know that I dtg to his wedding. Jumpa dia kat meja beradap. Salam2 and amik gmbr. To upload kat my fotopages ( As I promised Iva utk amik gmbr epit n wife). Klik here klik there. OK ..Done! "Dah kasma, jom balik". So we headed to our car and gerak!

Masa otw balik tu tetiba teringat kat jep. Yup. Jep dh selamat balik Myanmar. Tak sempat nk jumpa dia. So ingat tak pe la. Gi la melawat mak Jep. So dari Ampang singgah la Melawati. When I made my turn to Melawati junction tetiba tergerak hati lagi (asyik tergerak hati jer smlm). "Eh, ko nk tgk umah lama aku tak?". I said to Kasma. "Belasah la..". So kona la ke jln B tu. Dekat selekoh B12 tu tetiba kereta terhenjut2. Dah! Apa pulak nih... Nasib baik sempat stop kan kereta kat tepi jln. Pelik!. Tak de angin tak de ribut main henjut2 lak keta nih. Try start keta. "Vroom!!" Ok. Bole start. Lega. Tak de masalah. So I happily tekan clutch and masuk gear. "Eh! Pesal ni. Aku salah tekan ker?" Try lagi. Tak bole jgk. Ha Sudah! Pesal keta aku tak bole masuk gear??? UWAH!!! kenapa kah ini terjadi! Apa ocha la...Hehehe.

Me: "Wei, keta tak bole masuk gear la. Camne nih?"
Ocha: "Hah! Naper lak"
Me: "Mana la xpin tau"
Ocha: "Hmm, jap soh azul call Pak Cik Mat"

At this moment I already knew that this car need to be towed!. Sementara tunggu I call papa. Hoping that he will be in KL area. "Papa kat Rembau attend kenduri" Adus! Tunggu jer la.
So dipendekkan cerita, I talked to Pakcik Mat as he need me to check first before he can confirm that the car need to be towed. Conclusion for my checking, Pakcik Mat said try to get break oil and put it in the clutch punya bekas and try to pump. Kalu bole tu bole la bawak. Kalu tak bole mmg kena tow. So memerah otak lak nk pikir camne nk gi carik break oil nih. Bunge!!!. Dia dok kat Melawati.

Me: " Salam bunge. Ko balik umah mak ko tak minggu nih:
Bunge: "Salam. Aku balik. ni dari umah mak aku la ni"
Me: " Ye ker? Ko kat umah mak ko la yek nih. (stupid! she just told me that). Aku nk minta tlg nih. Aku kat Melawati nih. Keta aku rosak...blah...blah...blah.
Bunge: "La..ko lambat skit jer. Aku baru kuar. Aku dh kat area Ampang"

Gone!.......Ha! Zack!!!

Me: "Zack ko balik umah mak ko tak?" (Weekend seems to be balik-umah-mak day)
Z: "Balik. Tapi aku skrg kat Bukit Raja"
Me: "Hampeh!. Ko buat apa kat sana? Ko gi umah aku ker? Yang aku nk lak kat Melawati...blah...blah....blah...

Habis dah kawan harapan. As the same time kasma tried to get help.She managed to get her bro inlaw's friend to come and have a look at the car. They did something but come up with conclusion that the car still need to be towed. Well nak buat camne. After I thanked them I made a call to ocha. Pastu Kasma kata "Eh, kita tak yah bayar ke? "Ha ah la..." So kasma asked kena bayar ker? (Lepas tu baru perasan kinda stupid coz obviously he will say no). True enough the guys said " Tak pe la"... I think because kami ni pompuan yang cam blur2 wearing baju kurung yang agak glam. So they kinda have to say no to this so called glam-blur2-girls. Hehehe. Anyway thanks abg mekanik. (we dont even ask the name!!)

To cut the story short again. Gi lepak umah kawan kasma jap which happen to be seberang jln jer. While waiting for ocha. Lepas ocha dh sampai Pakcik Mat belum kuar lagi. (Dah la fr shah alam and it was raining- surprisingly raining only at Melawati. As what ocha told me. Huh! What a day!) So sementara tunggu kena la singgah kat rumah Uncle Jaafar. I very much wanted to avoid going there. Tapi nk jadi cerita tak bole elak. So me, ocha, azul and kasma pun gerak la ke rumah tu sementara tunggu kereta untuk ditow. After slightly more than 1 hour, tow dh smpi and we all pun gerak balik. Otw back called Pakcik Mat. Kalu bole minta buat cepat psl nk gi keje on Monday. Pakcik Mat kata ok. Nnt dia call.

Today Pakcik Mat call kata keta tak bole siap. Ingat kan pump jer rupanya clutch pad rosak! So kena rongkah (bukak) the whole thing. So nk tak nk kena tumpang azul ke TBC esok n minta papa hantar gi keje. Ikut hati nk EL jer tapi...KEJE BANYAK!!!! Uwah!!!!


Unknown said...

uwwwaaaaa!!!! ciannye kat awak...memang kurang bernasib baik...tapi takpe...nasib baik di tepi jalan raya,cube bayangkan ianya di tengah hutan belantara....hehehehehehe

Anonymous said...

kalu hutan belantara kita tak balik la... dok jadi orang utan...hehehe... lingkup duit bayar duit kereta....uwahh!!!