Saturday, September 6, 2008

This is my first time dpt email on Padini sale. Tetiba rasa cam nak gi. Dpt jer email tu (from kasma la..sapa lagi yg rajin hantar benda2 nih) terus ajak dia n Ocha nk gi. Well, Kasma cannot make it. So I gi ngan Ocha. Memula ingat nk gi on the 4th tapi hujan... So, we went on 5th and 6th. Nk tau murah ke tak.... Ha...tgk la sendiri what we bought..

These are for myself:

(Padini Khakis and Padini Long Skirt - RM 6 each)

(Brands Outlet RM13 each)

(Brands Outlet- Blazer RM 9 : I bought 2. Lg satu plain black. Same Price)

(Miki Denim Jacket - RM 6) Psstt: This is actually Miki Maternity....Yeap... for preggy mommy..but wth...bila pki tak nmpk preggy pun..hihihihi

(Seed Ladies Shoe - RM 9)

My nieces and nephews punya:

(Miki for Boys - RM 9 each : The original price for pants is RM89.90 and baju RM59.90)

(Miki and Seed for girls- RM 6 each)

(Seed and Padini for girls RM 9 each)

(Bag and pouch for Kiddies - RM 9 each)
My lil sis bought some stuff gak. Kalau nk tgk gi ke Yah's. Malas nk upload gambar kat sini.
What I like bout this sale is that, sesetengah sale kalu dorang tulis price starts from RM6, maka akan ada la satu ke dua ke barang yg RM6. Tu pun yg hidup segan mati tak mau.. Tapi ni... mostly RM6, RM9, RM13 and paling mahal pun RM19. This is really good bargain. (Ps: Thong, panties and bra pun ada jual... hampeh tul padini nih)


Anonymous said...

best nyer safwin...rugi aku tak tau,,,
lenkali bagi tau ler haku,,,

p/s: kau dah sihat ker? sempat menyopping lagi nie...


Xpin said...

Shopping kan penawar segala sakit...Muahahha. Kalu shopping tu sihat jer... Aku still on MC. Khamis ni ada appoitment lagi ngan doc.
Nnt kalu aku ada sale2 camni lagik aku forward kat ko yek.