Wednesday, August 20, 2008

"Acute on CRS"

'alam maya' menyatakan:

Acute: Of abrupt onset, in reference to a disease. Acute often also connotes an illness that is of short duration, rapidly progressive, and in need of urgent care.

Rhino-sinusitis is an inflammatory process involving one or more of the paranasal sinuses that usually follows an allergic reaction or viral upper respiratory infection. In some cases, rhino-sinusitis may occur due to increased production of bacteria on the surface of the sinus cavities.
Technically there is no difference between Rhino-sinusitis and nasal polyps, though a slight distinction is made that nasal polyps are a worst case scenario of the condition of rhino-sinusitis. Rhino-sinusitis refers to the inflammation of the tissues of the nose (rhino-) and sinuses. Nasal Polyps (tissue swellings) can form within the nose and sinuses, these are responsible for many symptoms described by patients with chronic rhino-sinusitis.

Chronic rhino-sinusitis is the inflammatory and infection that concurrently affects the nose and para-nasal sinuses. Chronic Rhino-sinusitis is a debilitating form of sinusitis that can lead to significant physical symptoms as well as substantial functional and emotional impairment.
Chronic Rhino-sinusitis may become extensively painful and tissues of nose (rhino) may swell since this condition lasts for longer than 12 weeks. In chronic rhino-sinusitis, a long duration of the following symptoms is typical and may be present:
*Nasal polyps
*Cystic fibrosis
*Nasal obstruction

Chronic Rhinosinusitis is a persistent inflammation and swelling of the membrane and tissue lining the nose, sinuses and their connecting channels. The definition of a chronic nasal and sinus disorder is a combination of symptoms, persisting more than 12 weeks. Nasal symptoms occur due to tissue swelling within our nose while sinus symptoms occur due to blockage of the osteomeatal channels which will block air flow and mucous drainage. Chronic Rhinosinusitis can improve briefly, however it does not go away completely even with many different medications and longer periods of treatment. Therefore, this "blockage" tends to be permanent and causes symptoms to persist and linger. In fact, these symptoms may be less obvious to an individual than those that occur with acute Rhinosinusitis. However, they can impact on our quality of life significantly

Pansinusitis : inflammation of all of the paranasal sinuses.
Pansinusitis is usually the result of infection rather than allergy, and in extreme cases may require surgery.

Akhir kata, the operation is scheduled on Monday 25/8/08 at 8:30 am @ Selangor Medical Centre.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Hepi Besday Pa!. Moga pjg umo and murah rezeki. AMIN.

Baru ku tahu betapa bohsannya tak keje. Pelik tul. Time keje paler ni asyik la nk cuti. Asyik la kata bosannyer keje. Tapi bila kena cuti camni... Aduhai... Bosan gak.

I was on MC since Monday 11/8/08. Masa tu demam. Selasa admitted to SMC. Demam panas a.k.a Viral Fever. Ingat kan biasa la. Ye la...skrg ni kan musim demam2. So standard la demam tu kan. Kita ikut musim gak la. Admitted dlm kol 11 p.m. Setia Ocha ngan Azul teman kat SMC tu smpi admitted. Kalu ikutkan mmg nk balik jer. Tapi mmg tak larat gler time tuh. Masa amik darah kat A&E tu doctor kata normal. Uiighh!! Lega. Jangan la kena denggi lagi. Dah penah sekali kena serik beb!!. Naik lunyai badan kena denggi. Tapi viral fever pun ala2 denggi gak. Letih gak menahan sakit. Lepas A&E dorang bawak gi masuk wad. Sekali tu Ocha kata dapat Dr. Shaikh. Macam penah ku dgr nama tuh. Kawan papa rupanya. Kawan surau jln jingga. Aduh. Baru ingat nk dpt doc 'wangi' tu. (Doc masa kena denggi. Wangi seh... masa buat wad visit belum sampai dah bole 'bau' dia...hahahaha)

Dr. Shaikh cek punya cek and kata...panas nih. (kalu tak takan admitted kan). Terus kena drip and ubat antibiotik yg dicucuk kedlm drip. (Ada sorang nurse tu gila kasar... sakit gler masa boh antibiotik tu. Yg lain ok jer. Yg sorang ni ha... tension jer).

Esoknya Dr Shaikh datang balik. Biasa la Doc kena visit at least 2 kali sehari. Bila dia datang cek my tekak merah bak delima. Selsema bagai nk rak. Dia pun heran. Terus I was refer to doc ENT. Masa tu dlm hati kata... ENT? Dr. Soni? Hmmm... Belasah jer la. Sebelum Dr. Shaikh blah dia kata i will refer you to dr. Hazim. Dr. Hazim??? Tak penah dgr pun. Hmm.. .Pape jer la.. belasah. Oh! before that Dr. Shaikh soh gi buat x-ray. X-RAy??? Terconfuse kejap. Demam pun kena gi x-ray ker? Bukannya eksiden or patah kaki. Eh! halo!! Dah doc suruh tu buat jer la... Degil!!!... OK...OK...

Lepas xray smpi mmg sah lagi nyata la kena refer trus ke ENT. Kena buat CT Scan la plak. Pe hal la plak nih kan smpi scan2. Lepas result scan kuar (time ni demam dah kebah..cuma hingusan jer mencurah2 and muntah tak renti2). Dr. Hazim announce that I have a Chronic Pansinusitis. Dlm erti kata lain sinus yang agak kronik and need to be operated ASAP. Aduh!! Bila tahun lak aku ada sinus nih. Tak penah tau ada sinus tup tup terus kena operate. hmm.. 'Doktor saya nk balik bole tak'? Balik? Hmmm.. selalunya kalu kes camni kena terus operate. Tak pe la.. Awak balik dulu. Pikir dulu. Mkn ubat dulu.. Rabu nnt datang balik. Saya KIV awak nyer operation.

Masa tu pikir nk balik jer. Malas nk pikir pasal sinus ni. Kalu ikutkan tak la baik sangat lagik. Jln pun terhuyung hayang lagik. Tapi malas (or takut) nk operate punya pasal...balikkkkkk...heheheh.

Tapi kejap je dah rabu. I have appointment with Dr. Hazim tomorrow. And I need to be prepared to be operated ASAP. Apa2 pun need to be done before puasa starts. Which is less than 2 weeks. Kalu operate... hmmm... lagi lama la MC (home rest)... Bole ke tahan lama2 dok umah nih?? Aduhhh!!!
